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Lift Framework example source code file (LiftScreen.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LiftScreen.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, box, box, field, filterorvalidate, list, list, nil, nodeseq, string, string, t, t, valuetype

The Lift Framework LiftScreen.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import xml._
import reflect.Manifest

import common._
import util._
import Helpers._
import js._
import JsCmds._

 * The trait that forms the basis for LiftScreen and the
 * Screen instances in Wizard
trait AbstractScreen extends Factory {
  override def toString = screenName

  protected type Errors = List[FieldError]

  @volatile private[this] var _fieldList: List[() => FieldContainer] = Nil

   * any additional parameters that need to be put in the on the form (e.g., mime type)
  def additionalAttributes: MetaData =
    if (hasUploadField) new UnprefixedAttribute("enctype", Text("multipart/form-data"), Null) else Null

   * Add a FieldContainer to the Screen.  A FieldContainer
   * can contain either a single field (a BaseField) or
   * a collection of BaseFields.  The key take-away is that
   * if the LiftScreen or Wizard is a singleton, you can still
   * display variable number of fields by returning a variable
   * number of BaseField instances from the FieldContainer.
   * <br/>
   * WARNING -- this method is public so it can be called
   * from a Wizard.  This method should only be called from within
   * the Screen or Wizard that owns the Screen and not
   * from external code.
  def addFields(fields: () => FieldContainer) {
    _fieldList = _fieldList ::: List(fields)

   * Use addFields
   * @deprecated
  @deprecated("use addFields()")
  protected def _register(field: () => FieldContainer) = addFields(field)

  protected def hasUploadField: Boolean = screenFields.foldLeft(false)(_ | _.uploadField_?)

   *  A list of fields in this screen
  def screenFields: List[BaseField] = _fieldList.flatMap(_.apply().allFields)

   * Override this method to do any setup of this screen
  protected def localSetup() {


  def screenTop: Box[Elem] = Empty

  def screenBottom: Box[Elem] = Empty

  // an implicit coversion so we don't have to put Full around every Elem
  protected implicit def elemInABox(in: Elem): Box[Elem] = Box !! in

   * The name of the screen.  Override this to change the screen name
  def screenName: String = "Screen"

  def screenNameAsHtml: NodeSeq = Text(screenName)

  def screenTitle: NodeSeq = screenNameAsHtml

  def cancelButton: Elem = <button>

  def finishButton: Elem = <button>

  implicit def boxOfScreen[T <: AbstractScreen](in: T): Box[T] = Box !! in

  def validate: List[FieldError] = screenFields.filter(_.shouldDisplay_?).
    filter(_.show_?).flatMap(_.validate) ++ screenValidate

  def validations: List[() => List[FieldError]] = Nil

  def screenValidate: List[FieldError] = validations.flatMap(_())

  protected def vendForm[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Box[(T, T => Any) => NodeSeq] = Empty

  protected def vendAVar[T](dflt: => T): NonCleanAnyVar[T]

  object Field {
    implicit def fToType[T](field: Field {type ValueType = T}): T =

  protected sealed trait OtherValueInitializer[T]

  protected case object NothingOtherValueInitializer extends OtherValueInitializer[Nothing]

  protected final case class OtherValueInitializerImpl[T](f: () => T) extends OtherValueInitializer[T]

   * By default, are all the fields on this screen on the confirm screen?
  def onConfirm_? : Boolean

   * A field that's part of a Screen
  trait Field extends ConfirmField {
    type OtherValueType
    // >: Nothing

    AbstractScreen.this.addFields(() => this)

    private val _currentValue: NonCleanAnyVar[ValueType] =
      vendAVar[ValueType](setFilter.foldLeft(default)((nv, f) => f(nv)))

    private val _otherValue: NonCleanAnyVar[OtherValueType] =

     * Is this field on the confirm screen
    def onConfirm_? : Boolean = AbstractScreen.this.onConfirm_?

    protected def otherValueDefault: OtherValueType = null.asInstanceOf[OtherValueType]

     * A field my have an "otherValue" which can be used
     * to store a list of options or other information that
     * the fields needs on a Screen/Wizard by Screen/Wizard
     * basis
    def otherValue: OtherValueType = _otherValue.get

    def default: ValueType

    def is =

     * Set to true if this field is part of a multi-part mime upload
    override def uploadField_? = false

    def get = is

    def set(v: ValueType) = _currentValue.set(setFilter.foldLeft(v)((nv, f) => f(nv)))

    implicit def manifest: Manifest[ValueType]

    protected def buildIt[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Manifest[T] = man

    override def helpAsHtml: Box[NodeSeq] = Empty

     * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
    def formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = Nil

     *  Is the field editable
    def editable_? = true

    def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = {
      val func: Box[(ValueType, ValueType => Any) => NodeSeq] =
        AbstractScreen.this.vendForm(manifest) or otherFuncVendors(manifest) or
          LiftRules.vendForm(manifest) => f(is, set _)).filter(x => editable_?).
        map(ns => SHtml.ElemAttr.applyToAllElems(ns, formElemAttrs))

    protected def otherFuncVendors(what: Manifest[ValueType]): Box[(ValueType, ValueType => Any) => NodeSeq] = Empty

    def validate: List[FieldError] = currentField.doWith(this) {

    def validations: List[ValueType => List[FieldError]] = Nil

    def setFilter: List[ValueType => ValueType] = Nil

    override def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] = Full(_theFieldId.get)

    private lazy val _theFieldId: NonCleanAnyVar[String] =

    override def toString = is.toString

  protected object currentField extends ThreadGlobal[FieldIdentifier]

  protected class FieldBuilder[T](name: => String,
                                  default: => T,
                                  manifest: Manifest[T],
                                  help: Box[NodeSeq],
                                  validations: List[T => List[FieldError]],
                                  filters: List[T => T],
                                  stuff: Seq[FilterOrValidate[T]]) {
     * Set the Help HTML
    def help(h: NodeSeq): FieldBuilder[T] = new FieldBuilder[T](name, default,
      manifest, Full(h), validations, filters, stuff)

     * Add a filter field (the wacky symbols are supposed to look like a filter symbol)
    def <*>(f: T => T): FieldBuilder[T] =
      new FieldBuilder[T](name, default,
        manifest, help, validations, filters ::: List(f),

     * Add a validtion (the wacky symbols are supposed to look like a check mark)
    def ^/(f: T => List[FieldError]): FieldBuilder[T] =
      new FieldBuilder[T](name, default,
        manifest, help, validations ::: List(f), filters, stuff)

     * Convert the field builder into a field
    def make: Field {type ValueType = T} = {
      val paramFieldId: Box[String] = (stuff.collect {
        case FormFieldId(id) => id

      val confirmInfo = stuff.collect {
        case NotOnConfirmScreen => false
      }.headOption orElse
        stuff.collect {
          case OnConfirmScreen => true

      new Field {
        type ValueType = T

         * Is this field on the confirm screen
        override def onConfirm_? : Boolean = confirmInfo getOrElse super.onConfirm_?

        override def name: String =

        override def default = FieldBuilder.this.default

         * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
        override lazy val formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = grabParams(stuff)

        override implicit def manifest: Manifest[ValueType] = FieldBuilder.this.manifest

        override def helpAsHtml = help

        override def validations = FieldBuilder.this.validations

        override def setFilter = FieldBuilder.this.filters

        override def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] =
          paramFieldId or Full(_theFieldId.get)

        private lazy val _theFieldId: NonCleanAnyVar[String] =

  implicit def strToListFieldError(msg: String): List[FieldError] =
    List(FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, Text(msg)))

  implicit def xmlToListFieldError(msg: NodeSeq): List[FieldError] =
    List(FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, msg))

  implicit def boxStrToListFieldError(msg: Box[String]): List[FieldError] = =>
      FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, Text(msg)))

  implicit def boxXmlToListFieldError(msg: Box[NodeSeq]): List[FieldError] = => FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, msg))

   * Create a FieldBuilder so you can add help screens, validations and filters.  Remember to invoke "make" on
   * the returned FieldBuilder to convert it into a field
   * @param name - the name of the field.  This is a call-by-name parameter, so you can dynamically calculate
   * the name of the fiels (e.g., localize its name)
   * @param default - the default value of the field
   * @param validate - any validation functions
  protected def builder[T](name: => String, default: => T, stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*)(implicit man: Manifest[T]): FieldBuilder[T] =
    new FieldBuilder[T](name, default, man, Empty,
      stuff.toList.collect {
        case AVal(v) => v
      stuff.toList.collect {
        case AFilter(v) => v

  protected object FilterOrValidate {
    implicit def promoteFilter[T](f: T => T): FilterOrValidate[T] = AFilter(f)

    implicit def promoteValidate[T](v: T => List[FieldError]): FilterOrValidate[T] = AVal(v)

    implicit def promoteToFormParam(a: SHtml.ElemAttr): FilterOrValidate[Nothing] = FormParam(a)

    implicit def promoteToFormParam(a: (String, String)): FilterOrValidate[Nothing] = FormParam(a)

  sealed protected trait FilterOrValidate[+T]

   * Override the screen default for fields appearing on the confirm
   * screen and force this field to appear on the confirm screen
  protected case object OnConfirmScreen extends FilterOrValidate[Nothing]

   * Override the screen default for fields appearing on the confirm
   * screen and force this field not to appear on the confirm screen
  protected case object NotOnConfirmScreen extends FilterOrValidate[Nothing]

  protected final case class FormParam(fp: SHtml.ElemAttr) extends FilterOrValidate[Nothing]

  protected final case class FormFieldId(id: String) extends FilterOrValidate[Nothing]

  protected final case class AFilter[T](f: T => T) extends FilterOrValidate[T]

  protected final case class AVal[T](v: T => List[FieldError]) extends FilterOrValidate[T]

  protected def field[T](underlying: => BaseField {type ValueType = T},
                         stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*)(implicit man: Manifest[T]): Field {type ValueType = T} = {
    val paramFieldId: Box[String] = (stuff.collect {
      case FormFieldId(id) => id

    val confirmInfo = stuff.collect {
      case NotOnConfirmScreen => false
    }.headOption orElse
      stuff.collect {
        case OnConfirmScreen => true

    new Field {
      type ValueType = T

       * Is this field on the confirm screen
      override def onConfirm_? : Boolean = confirmInfo getOrElse super.onConfirm_?

      override def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = underlying.toForm

       * Give the current state of things, should the this field be shown
      override def show_? = underlying.show_?

       * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
      override lazy val formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = grabParams(stuff)

       * Given the current context, should this field be displayed
      override def shouldDisplay_? = underlying.shouldDisplay_?

      override def displayName = underlying.displayName

      override def displayNameHtml: Box[NodeSeq] = underlying.displayNameHtml

      override def asHtml = underlying.asHtml

      override def name: String =

      override def default = underlying.get

      override implicit def manifest: Manifest[ValueType] = man

      override def helpAsHtml = underlying.helpAsHtml

      override def validate: List[FieldError] = underlying.validate

      override def validations = stuff.collect {
        case AVal(f) => f
      }.toList ::: underlying.validations

      override def setFilter = stuff.collect {
        case AFilter(f) => f

      override def is = underlying.get

      override def get = underlying.get

      override def set(v: T) = underlying.set(setFilter.foldLeft(v)((v, f) => f(v)))

      override def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] = paramFieldId or underlying.uniqueFieldId or super.uniqueFieldId

  sealed protected trait BoxMarker

   * A little hack because => BaseField and => Box[BaseField]
   * have the same method signature
  protected implicit object BoxMarkerObj extends BoxMarker

  protected def field[T](underlying: => Box[BaseField {type ValueType = T}],
                         stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*)(implicit man: Manifest[T], marker: BoxMarker): Field {type ValueType = T} = {
    val paramFieldId: Box[String] = (stuff.collect {
      case FormFieldId(id) => id

    val confirmInfo = stuff.collect {
      case NotOnConfirmScreen => false
    }.headOption orElse
      stuff.collect {
        case OnConfirmScreen => true

    new Field {
      type ValueType = T

       * Is this field on the confirm screen
      override def onConfirm_? : Boolean = confirmInfo getOrElse super.onConfirm_?

      override def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = underlying.flatMap(_.toForm)

       * Give the current state of things, should the this field be shown
      override def show_? = openOr false

       * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
      override lazy val formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = grabParams(stuff)

       * Given the current context, should this field be displayed
      override def shouldDisplay_? = openOr false

      override def displayName = openOr "N/A"

      override def displayNameHtml: Box[NodeSeq] = underlying.flatMap(_.displayNameHtml)

      override def asHtml = openOr NodeSeq.Empty

      override def name: String = openOr "N/A"

      override def default = underlying.open_!.get

      override implicit def manifest: Manifest[ValueType] = man

      override def helpAsHtml = underlying.flatMap(_.helpAsHtml)

      override def validate: List[FieldError] = underlying.toList.flatMap(_.validate)

      override def setFilter = stuff.collect {
        case AFilter(f) => f

      override def is = underlying.open_!.get

      override def get = underlying.open_!.get

      override def set(v: T) = underlying.open_!.set(setFilter.foldLeft(v)((v, f) => f(v)))

      override def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] = paramFieldId or underlying.flatMap(_.uniqueFieldId) or super.uniqueFieldId

   * Create a field with a name, default value, and
   * @param name - the name of the field.  This is a call-by-name parameter, so you can dynamically calculate
   * the name of the fiels (e.g., localize its name)
   * @param default - the default value of the field
   * @param validate - any validation functions
  protected def field[T](name: => String, default: => T, stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*)(implicit man: Manifest[T]): Field {type ValueType = T} =
    new FieldBuilder[T](name, default, man, Empty, stuff.toList.flatMap {
      case AVal(v) => List(v)
      case _ => Nil
    }, stuff.toList.flatMap {
      case AFilter(v) => List(v)
      case _ => Nil
    }, stuff).make

  protected def removeRegExChars(regEx: String): String => String =
    s => s match {
      case null => null
      case s => s.replaceAll(regEx, "")

  protected def toLower: String => String =
    s => s match {
      case null => null
      case s => s.toLowerCase

  protected def toUpper: String => String =
    s => s match {
      case null => null
      case s => s.toUpperCase

  protected def trim: String => String =
    s => s match {
      case null => null
      case s => s.trim

  protected def notNull: String => String =
    s => s match {
      case null => ""
      case x => x

   * A validation helper.  Make sure the string is at least a particular
   * length and generate a validation issue if not
  protected def valMinLen(len: => Int, msg: => String): String => List[FieldError] =
    s => s match {
      case str if (null ne str) && str.length >= len => Nil
      case _ => List(FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, Text(msg)))

   * A validation helper.  Make sure the string is no more than a particular
   * length and generate a validation issue if not
  protected def valMaxLen(len: => Int, msg: => String): String => List[FieldError] =
    s => s match {
      case str if (null eq str) || str.length <= len => Nil
      case _ => List(FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, Text(msg)))

   * Make sure the field matches a regular expression
  protected def valRegex(pat: => java.util.regex.Pattern, msg: => String): String => List[FieldError] =
    s => s match {
      case str if (null ne str) && pat.matcher(str).matches => Nil
      case _ => List(FieldError( openOr new FieldIdentifier {}, Text(msg)))

  protected def minVal[T](len: => T, msg: => String)(implicit f: T => Number): T => List[FieldError] =
    s => if (f(s).doubleValue < f(len).doubleValue) msg else Nil

  protected def maxVal[T](len: => T, msg: => String)(implicit f: T => Number): T => List[FieldError] =
    s => if (f(s).doubleValue > f(len).doubleValue) msg else Nil

  def noticeTypeToAttr(screen: AbstractScreen): Box[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] =
    inject[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] or LiftScreenRules.inject[NoticeType.Value => MetaData]

   * Create a field that's added to the Screen
   * @param theName - the name of the field.  This is call-by-name, so you
   * can do things like S.?("Dog's Name") such that the string will be
   * localized
   * @param defaultValue - the starting value for the field.  This is
   * also call-by-name which is handy for constructs like:
   * <code class="scala">SomeExternalRequestVarOrSessionVar.get
   * @theToForm - a function to convert the field into a form
   * @otherValue - a handy way include other values in the field.  The other value is
   * calcualted when the field is initialized.  You can, for example, put
   * a list of valid options in the field.
   * @stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @return a newly minted Field
  protected def makeField[T, OV](theName: => String, defaultValue: => T,
                                 theToForm: (Field {type OtherValueType = OV
                                   type ValueType = T} =>
                                 otherValue: OtherValueInitializer[OV],
                                 stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*):
  Field {type ValueType = T; type OtherValueType = OV} = {
    otherValue match {
      case OtherValueInitializerImpl(otherValueInitFunc) => {
        new Field {
          type OtherValueType = OV
          type ValueType = T

          override protected def otherValueDefault: OtherValueType = otherValueInitFunc()

          override def name: String = theName

          override implicit def manifest = buildIt[T]

          override def default: T = defaultValue

           * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
          override lazy val formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = grabParams(stuff)

          override val setFilter = stuff.flatMap {
            case AFilter(f) => List(f)
            case _ => Nil
          override val validations = stuff.flatMap {
            case AVal(v) => List(v)
            case _ => Nil

          override def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = theToForm(this)

      case _ => {
        new Field {
          type ValueType = T
          type OtherValueType = OV

          override def name: String = theName

          override implicit def manifest = buildIt[T]

          override def default: T = defaultValue

           * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
          override lazy val formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = grabParams(stuff)

          override val setFilter = stuff.flatMap {
            case AFilter(f) => List(f)
            case _ => Nil
          override val validations = stuff.flatMap {
            case AVal(v) => List(v)
            case _ => Nil

          override def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = theToForm(this)

   * Create a password field
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param defaultValue the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param stuff the filters, validators and attributes
   * @returns a newly minted Field
  protected def password(name: => String, defaultValue: => String, stuff: FilterOrValidate[String]*): Field {type ValueType = String} = {
    val eAttr = grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[String, Nothing](name,
      field => SHtml.password(field.get, field.set(_), eAttr: _*),
      stuff: _*)

   * Create a text field
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param defaultValue the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param stuff the filters, validators and attributes
   * @returns a newly minted Field
  protected def text(name: => String, defaultValue: => String, stuff: FilterOrValidate[String]*): Field {type ValueType = String} = {
    val eAttr = grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[String, Nothing](name,
      field => SHtml.text(field.get, field.set(_), eAttr: _*),
      stuff: _*)

   * Create a textarea Field with 80 columns and 5 rows
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param defaultValue the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @returns a newly minted Field{type ValueType = String}
  protected def textarea(name: => String, defaultValue: => String, stuff: FilterOrValidate[String]*): Field {type ValueType = String} =
    textarea(name, defaultValue, 5, 80, stuff: _*)

   * Create a textarea Field
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param defaultValue the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param rows the number of rows in the textarea
   * @param cols the number of columns in the textarea
   * @param stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @returns a newly minted Field{type ValueType = String}
  protected def textarea(name: => String, defaultValue: => String, rows: Int, cols: Int, stuff: FilterOrValidate[String]*):
  Field {type ValueType = String} = {

    val eAttr: List[SHtml.ElemAttr] = (("rows" -> rows.toString): SHtml.ElemAttr) ::
      (("cols" -> cols.toString): SHtml.ElemAttr) :: grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[String, Nothing](name,
      field => SHtml.textarea(,
        eAttr: _*),
      stuff: _*)

   * Create a select HTML element
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param default the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param choices the possible choices for the select
   * @param stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @param f a PairStringPromoter (a wrapper around a function) that converts T => display String
   * @returns a newly minted Field{type ValueType = String}
  protected def select[T](name: => String, default: => T, choices: => Seq[T], stuff: FilterOrValidate[T]*)
                         (implicit f: SHtml.PairStringPromoter[T]): Field {type ValueType = T; type OtherValueType = Seq[T]}
  = {
    val eAttr = grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[T, Seq[T]](name, default,
      field =>
          Full(, eAttr: _*)(field.set(_)),
      OtherValueInitializerImpl[Seq[T]](() => choices),
      stuff: _*)

   * Create a multi select HTML element
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param default the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param choices the possible choices for the select
   * @param stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @param f a PairStringPromoter (a wrapper around a function) that converts T => display String
   * @returns a newly minted Field{type ValueType = String}
  protected def multiselect[T](name: => String, default: => Seq[T], choices: => Seq[T], stuff: FilterOrValidate[Seq[T]]*)
                              (implicit f: SHtml.PairStringPromoter[T]): Field {type ValueType = Seq[T]; type OtherValueType = Seq[T]}
  = {
    val eAttr = grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[Seq[T], Seq[T]](name, default,
      field =>
, eAttr: _*)(field.set(_)),
      OtherValueInitializerImpl[Seq[T]](() => choices),
      stuff: _*)

   * Grabs the FormFieldId and FormParam parameters 
  protected def grabParams(in: Seq[FilterOrValidate[_]]):
  List[SHtml.ElemAttr] = {
    val sl = in.toList
    in.collect {
      case FormFieldId(id) => ("id" -> id): SHtml.ElemAttr
      headOption.toList :::
      sl.collect {
        case FormParam(fp) => fp

   * Create a radio HTML element
   * @param name the name of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param default the starting value of the field (call-by-name)
   * @param choices the possible choices for the select
   * @param stuff - a list of filters and validations for the field
   * @param f a PairStringPromoter (a wrapper around a function) that converts T => display String
   * @returns a newly minted Field{type ValueType = String}
  protected def radio(name: => String, default: => String, choices: => Seq[String], stuff: FilterOrValidate[String]*):
  Field {type ValueType = String; type OtherValueType = Seq[String]} = {
    val eAttr = grabParams(stuff)

    makeField[String, Seq[String]](name, default,
      field =>
          field.set _,
          eAttr: _*).toForm),
      OtherValueInitializerImpl[Seq[String]](() => choices),
      stuff: _*)

trait ScreenWizardRendered {
  protected def wrapInDiv(in: NodeSeq): Elem =
    <div style="display: inline" id={FormGUID.get}>

  protected def renderAll(currentScreenNumber: Box[NodeSeq],
                          screenCount: Box[NodeSeq],
                          wizardTop: Box[Elem],
                          screenTop: Box[Elem],
                          fields: List[ScreenFieldInfo],
                          prev: Box[Elem],
                          cancel: Box[Elem],
                          next: Box[Elem],
                          finish: Box[Elem],
                          screenBottom: Box[Elem],
                          wizardBottom: Box[Elem],
                          nextId: (String, () => JsCmd),
                          prevId: Box[(String, () => JsCmd)],
                          cancelId: (String, () => JsCmd),
                          theScreen: AbstractScreen,
                          ajax_? : Boolean): NodeSeq = {

    val notices: List[(NoticeType.Value, NodeSeq, Box[String])] = S.getAllNotices

    def bindFieldLine(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
      fields.flatMap {
        f =>
          val theFormEarly = f.input
          val curId = theFormEarly.flatMap(Helpers.findId) or
            f.field.uniqueFieldId openOr Helpers.nextFuncName

          val theForm = {
            fe => {
              val f = Helpers.deepEnsureUniqueId(fe)
              val id = Helpers.findBox(f)(_.attribute("id").
                filter(_ == curId))
              if (id.isEmpty) {
                Helpers.ensureId(f, curId)
              } else {

          val myNotices = notices.filter(fi => fi._3.isDefined && fi._3 == curId)
          def doLabel(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
            myNotices match {
              case Nil => bind("wizard", in, AttrBindParam("for", curId, "for"), "bind" -%> f.text)
              case _ =>
                val maxN = {
                }.head // get the maximum type of notice (Error > Warning > Notice)
                val metaData: MetaData = noticeTypeToAttr(theScreen).map(_(maxN)) openOr Null
                bind("wizard", in, AttrBindParam("for", curId, "for"), "bind" -%> f.text).map {
                  case e: Elem => e % metaData
                  case x => x
          bind("wizard", xhtml,
            "label" -%> doLabel _,
            "form" -%> theForm,
            FuncBindParam("help", xml => {
     match {
                case Full(hlp) => bind("wizard", xml, "bind" -%> hlp)
                case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
            FuncBindParam("field_errors", xml => {
              myNotices match {
                case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
                case xs => bind("wizard", xml, "error" -%>
                  (innerXml => xs.flatMap {
                    case (noticeType, msg, _) =>
                      val metaData: MetaData = noticeTypeToAttr(theScreen).map(_(noticeType)) openOr Null
                      bind("wizard", innerXml, "bind" -%> msg).map {
                        case e: Elem => e % metaData
                        case x => x

    def url = S.uri

    val snapshot = createSnapshot

    def bindErrors(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = notices.filter(_._3.isEmpty) match {
      case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
      case xs =>
        def doErrors(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = xs.flatMap {
          case (noticeType, msg, _) =>
            val metaData: MetaData = noticeTypeToAttr(theScreen).map(_(noticeType)) openOr Null
            bind("wizard", in, "bind" -%>
              (msg)).map {
              case e: Elem => e % metaData
              case x => x

        bind("wizard", xhtml,
          "item" -%> doErrors _)

    def bindFields(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
      val ret =
        (<form id={nextId._1} action={url}
          {S.formGroup(-1)(SHtml.hidden(() =>
            snapshot.restore()))}{bind("wizard", xhtml,
            "line" -%> bindFieldLine _)}{S.formGroup(4)(
            SHtml.hidden(() => {
              val res = nextId._2();
              if (!ajax_?) {
                val localSnapshot = createSnapshot
                S.seeOther(url, () => {
        </form> %
          theScreen.additionalAttributes) ++
            case (id, func) =>
              <form id={id} action={url} method="post">
                {SHtml.hidden(() => {
                val res = func();
                if (!ajax_?) {
                  val localSnapshot = createSnapshot;
                  S.seeOther(url, () => localSnapshot.restore)
          } ++
          <form id={cancelId._1} action={url} method="post">
            {SHtml.hidden(() => {
            val res = cancelId._2() // WizardRules.deregisterWizardSession(
            if (!ajax_?) {

      if (ajax_?) {
      } else {

    def bindScreenInfo(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = (currentScreenNumber, screenCount) match {
      case (Full(num), Full(cnt)) =>
        bind("wizard", xhtml, "screen_number" -%> num /*Text( => (s.myScreenNum + 1).toString) openOr "")*/ ,
          "total_screens" -%> cnt /*Text(screenCount.toString)*/)
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    Helpers.bind("wizard", allTemplate,
      "screen_info" -%> bindScreenInfo _,
      FuncBindParam("wizard_top", xml => ( => bind("wizard", xml, "bind" -%> top)) openOr NodeSeq.Empty)),
      FuncBindParam("screen_top", xml => ( => bind("wizard", xml, "bind" -%> top)) openOr NodeSeq.Empty)),
      FuncBindParam("wizard_bottom", xml => ( => bind("wizard", xml, "bind" -%> bottom)) openOr NodeSeq.Empty)),
      FuncBindParam("screen_bottom", xml => ( => bind("wizard", xml, "bind" -%> bottom)) openOr NodeSeq.Empty)),
      "prev" -%> (prev openOr EntityRef("nbsp")),
      "next" -%> ((next or finish) openOr EntityRef("nbsp")),
      "cancel" -%> (cancel openOr EntityRef("nbsp")),
      "errors" -%> bindErrors _,
      FuncBindParam("fields", bindFields _))


  protected def allTemplate: NodeSeq

  protected def allTemplateNodeSeq: NodeSeq = {
                    <label wizard:for=" ">
<wizard:cancel/> </td> <wizard:next/> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <wizard:screen_bottom> <div> <wizard:bind/> </div> </wizard:screen_bottom> <wizard:wizard_bottom> <div> <wizard:bind/> </div> </wizard:wizard_bottom> </div> } protected trait Snapshot { def restore(): Unit } protected def createSnapshot: Snapshot def noticeTypeToAttr(screen: AbstractScreen): Box[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] protected def Referer: AnyVar[String, _] protected def Ajax_? : AnyVar[Boolean, _] protected def AjaxOnDone: AnyVar[JsCmd, _] protected def FormGUID: AnyVar[String, _] /** * What should be done at the end of an Ajax session. By * default, RedirectTo(Referer.get) */ protected def calcAjaxOnDone: JsCmd = { val notices = S.getAllNotices RedirectTo(Referer.get, () => S.appendNotices(notices)) } /** * Should all instances of this Wizard or Screen unless * they are explicitly set to Ajax */ protected def defaultToAjax_? : Boolean = false /** * Calculate the referer (the page to go back to on finish). * defaults to S.referer openOr "/" */ protected def calcReferer: String = S.referer openOr "/" /** * Calculate if this Screen/Wizard should be ajax */ protected def calcAjax: Boolean = S.attr("ajax").flatMap(Helpers.asBoolean) openOr defaultToAjax_? protected def redirectBack(): JsCmd = { if (ajaxForms_?) { AjaxOnDone.get } else { S.seeOther(Referer.get) } } /** * Are the forms Ajax or regular HTTP/HTML. * * If the ajax=true attribute is present on the original snippet * invocation, the forms will be ajax. */ protected def ajaxForms_? : Boolean = Ajax_?.get } case class ScreenFieldInfo(field: FieldIdentifier, text: NodeSeq, help: Box[NodeSeq], input: Box[NodeSeq]) trait LiftScreen extends AbstractScreen with StatefulSnippet with ScreenWizardRendered { def dispatch = { case _ => template => { _defaultXml.set(template) this.toForm } } /** * By default, are all the fields on this screen on the confirm screen? */ def onConfirm_? : Boolean = true /** * Holds the template passed via the snippet for the duration * of the request */ protected object _defaultXml extends TransientRequestVar[NodeSeq](NodeSeq.Empty) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * the NodeSeq passed as a parameter when the snippet was invoked */ protected def defaultXml: NodeSeq = _defaultXml.get private object ScreenVars extends TransientRequestVar[Map[String, (NonCleanAnyVar[_], Any)]](Map()) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object PrevSnapshot extends TransientRequestVar[Box[ScreenSnapshot]](Empty) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object Referer extends ScreenVar[String](calcReferer) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * A unique GUID for the form... this allows us to do an Ajax SetHtml * to replace the form */ protected object FormGUID extends ScreenVar[String](Helpers.nextFuncName) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected object Ajax_? extends ScreenVar[Boolean](calcAjax) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } /** * What to do when the Screen is done. By default, will * do a redirect back to Whence, but you can change this behavior, * for example, put up some other Ajax thing or alternatively, * remove the form from the screen. */ protected object AjaxOnDone extends ScreenVar[JsCmd](calcAjaxOnDone) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object FirstTime extends ScreenVar[Boolean](true) { override lazy val __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } protected class ScreenSnapshot(private[http] val screenVars: Map[String, (NonCleanAnyVar[_], Any)], private[http] val snapshot: Box[ScreenSnapshot]) extends Snapshot { def restore() { registerThisSnippet(); ScreenVars.set(screenVars) PrevSnapshot.set(snapshot) } } protected def vendAVar[T](dflt: => T): NonCleanAnyVar[T] = new ScreenVar[T](dflt) { override protected def __nameSalt = randomString(20) } protected def createSnapshot = { val prev = PrevSnapshot.get new ScreenSnapshot(ScreenVars.get, prev) } /** * Keep request-local information around without the nastiness of naming session variables * or the type-unsafety of casting the results. * RequestVars share their value through the scope of the current HTTP * request. They have no value at the beginning of request servicing * and their value is discarded at the end of request processing. They * are helpful to share values across many snippets. * * @param dflt - the default value of the session variable */ abstract class ScreenVar[T](dflt: => T) extends NonCleanAnyVar[T](dflt) { override protected def findFunc(name: String): Box[T] = ScreenVarHandler.get(name) override protected def setFunc(name: String, value: T): Unit = ScreenVarHandler.set(name, this, value) override protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit = ScreenVarHandler.clear(name) override protected def wasInitialized(name: String): Boolean = { val bn = name + "_inited_?" val old: Boolean = ScreenVarHandler.get(bn) openOr false ScreenVarHandler.set(bn, this, true) old } override protected def testWasSet(name: String): Boolean = { val bn = name + "_inited_?" ScreenVarHandler.get(name).isDefined || (ScreenVarHandler.get(bn) openOr false) } /** * Different Vars require different mechanisms for synchronization. This method implements * the Var specific synchronization mechanism */ def doSync[F](f: => F): F = f // no sync necessary for RequestVars... always on the same thread } private object ScreenVarHandler { def get[T](name: String): Box[T] =[T]) def set[T](name: String, from: ScreenVar[_], value: T): Unit = ScreenVars.set(ScreenVars.get + (name -> (from, value))) def clear(name: String): Unit = ScreenVars.set(ScreenVars.get - name) } def toForm: NodeSeq = { Referer.get // touch to capture the referer Ajax_?.get // capture the ajaxiness of these forms FormGUID.get if (FirstTime) { FirstTime.set(false) localSetup() val localSnapshot = createSnapshot // val notices = S.getAllNotices // if we're not Ajax, if (!ajaxForms_?) { S.seeOther(S.uri, () => { // S.appendNotices(notices) localSnapshot.restore }) } } val form = renderHtml() if (ajaxForms_?) wrapInDiv(form) else form } protected def renderHtml(): NodeSeq = { val finishId = Helpers.nextFuncName val cancelId = Helpers.nextFuncName val theScreen = this val finishButton = theScreen.finishButton % ("onclick" -> (if (ajaxForms_?) { SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(finishId)).toJsCmd } else { "document.getElementById(" + finishId.encJs + ").submit()" })) val cancelButton: Elem = theScreen.cancelButton % ("onclick" -> (if (ajaxForms_?) { SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(cancelId)).toJsCmd } else { "document.getElementById(" + cancelId.encJs + ").submit()" })) val url = S.uri renderAll( Empty, //currentScreenNumber: Box[NodeSeq], Empty, //screenCount: Box[NodeSeq], Empty, // wizardTop: Box[Elem], theScreen.screenTop, //screenTop: Box[Elem], theScreen.screenFields.filter(_.shouldDisplay_?).flatMap(f => if (f.show_?) List(ScreenFieldInfo(f, f.displayHtml, f.helpAsHtml, f.toForm)) else Nil), //fields: List[ScreenFieldInfo], Empty, // prev: Box[Elem], Full(cancelButton), // cancel: Box[Elem], Empty, // next: Box[Elem], Full(finishButton), //finish: Box[Elem], theScreen.screenBottom, // screenBottom: Box[Elem], Empty, //wizardBottom: Box[Elem], finishId -> doFinish _, Empty, cancelId -> (() => { redirectBack() }), //cancelId: (String, () => Unit), theScreen, ajaxForms_?) } protected def allTemplatePath: List[String] = LiftScreenRules.allTemplatePath.vend protected def allTemplate: NodeSeq = { val ret = Templates(allTemplatePath) openOr allTemplateNodeSeq ret } /** * What additional attributes should be put on the */ protected def formAttrs: MetaData = scala.xml.Null protected def finish(): Unit protected def doFinish(): JsCmd = { validate match { case Nil => val snapshot = createSnapshot PrevSnapshot.set(Full(snapshot)) finish() redirectBack() case xs => { S.error(xs) if (ajaxForms_?) { SetHtml(FormGUID, renderHtml()) } else { Noop } } } } } trait IntField extends FieldIdentifier { self: AbstractScreen#Field => type ValueType = Int def default = 0 lazy val manifest = buildIt[Int] def minVal(len: Int, msg: => String): Int => List[FieldError] = s => if (s < len) List(FieldError(this, Text(msg))) else Nil def maxVal(len: Int, msg: => String): Int => List[FieldError] = s => if (s > len) List(FieldError(this, Text(msg))) else Nil } trait BooleanField extends FieldIdentifier { self: AbstractScreen#Field => type ValueType = Boolean def default = false lazy val manifest = buildIt[Boolean] } trait StringField extends FieldIdentifier with StringValidators { self: AbstractScreen#Field => type ValueType = String def default = "" lazy val manifest = buildIt[String] def maxLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE protected def valueTypeToBoxString(in: ValueType): Box[String] = Full(in) protected def boxStrToValType(in: Box[String]): ValueType = in openOr "" } object LiftScreenRules extends Factory with FormVendor { private def m[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Manifest[T] = man val allTemplatePath: FactoryMaker[List[String]] = new FactoryMaker[List[String]](() => List("templates-hidden", "wizard-all")) {} val messageStyles: FactoryMaker[NoticeType.Value => MetaData] = new FactoryMaker[NoticeType.Value => MetaData](() => { case NoticeType.Notice => new UnprefixedAttribute("class", "lift_notice", Null) case NoticeType.Warning => new UnprefixedAttribute("class", "lift_warning", Null) case NoticeType.Error => new UnprefixedAttribute("class", "lift_error", Null) }: PartialFunction[NoticeType.Value, MetaData]) {} }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftScreen.scala source code file:

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