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Lift Framework example source code file (MongoMetaRecord.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (MongoMetaRecord.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

any, baserecord, basicdbobject, basicdbobject, box, dbobject, dbobject, findoption, jobject, jobject, list, list, regex, string, unit, util

The Lift Framework MongoMetaRecord.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mongodb
package record

import java.util.{Calendar, UUID}
import java.util.regex.Pattern

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Full}
import net.liftweb.json.{Formats, JsonParser}
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
import net.liftweb.mongodb._
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.field._
import net.liftweb.record.{MandatoryTypedField, MetaRecord, Record}
import net.liftweb.record.FieldHelpers.expectedA
import net.liftweb.record.field._

import com.mongodb._
import com.mongodb.util.JSON
import org.bson.types.ObjectId

trait MongoMetaRecord[BaseRecord <: MongoRecord[BaseRecord]]
  extends BsonMetaRecord[BaseRecord] with MongoMeta[BaseRecord] {

  self: BaseRecord =>

   * Utility method for determining the value of _id.
   * This is needed for backwards compatibility with MongoId. This is
   * due to the fact that is of type Any. That will
   * be changed to type MandatoryTypedField in a future version. When
   * that happens this will no longer be necessary.
  private def idValue(inst: BaseRecord): Any = match {
    case f: MandatoryTypedField[_] => f.value
    case x => x

  * Delete the instance from backing store
  def delete_!(inst: BaseRecord): Boolean = {
    foreachCallback(inst, _.beforeDelete)
    delete("_id", idValue(inst))
    foreachCallback(inst, _.afterDelete)

  protected def useColl[T](f: DBCollection => T) =
    MongoDB.useCollection(mongoIdentifier, collectionName)(f)

  def bulkDelete_!!(qry: DBObject): Unit = {
    useColl(coll =>

  def bulkDelete_!!(k: String, o: Any): Unit = bulkDelete_!!(new BasicDBObject(k, o))

  * Find a single row by a qry, using a DBObject.
  def find(qry: DBObject): Box[BaseRecord] = {
    useColl( coll =>
      coll.findOne(qry) match {
        case null => Empty
        case dbo => Full(fromDBObject(dbo))

  * Find a single row by an ObjectId
  def find(oid: ObjectId): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", oid))

  * Find a single row by a UUID
  def find(uid: UUID): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", uid))

  * Find a single row by Any
  * This doesn't work as find because we need JObject's to be implicitly converted.
  def findAny(a: Any): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", a))

  * Find a single row by a String id
  def find(s: String): Box[BaseRecord] =
    if (ObjectId.isValid(s))
      find(new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(s)))
      find(new BasicDBObject("_id", s))

  * Find a single row by an Int id
  def find(id: Int): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", id))

  * Find a single row by a Long id
  def find(id: Long): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject("_id", id))

  * Find a single document by a qry using a json value
  def find(json: JObject): Box[BaseRecord] = find(JObjectParser.parse(json))

  * Find a single row by a qry using String key and Any value
  def find(k: String, o: Any): Box[BaseRecord] = find(new BasicDBObject(k, o))

  * Find all rows in this collection
  def findAll: List[BaseRecord] = {
    * The call to toArray retrieves all documents and puts them in memory.
    useColl( coll => { => fromDBObject(dbo)).toList

  * Find all rows using a DBObject query.
  def findAll(qry: DBObject, sort: Option[DBObject], opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] = {
    findAll(sort, opts:_*) { coll => coll.find(qry) }

   * Find all rows and retrieve only keys fields.
  def findAll(qry: DBObject, keys: DBObject, sort: Option[DBObject], opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] = {
    findAll(sort, opts:_*) { coll => coll.find(qry, keys) }

  protected def findAll(sort: Option[DBObject], opts: FindOption*)(f: (DBCollection) => DBCursor): List[BaseRecord] = {
    val findOpts = opts.toList

    useColl( coll => {
      val cur = f(coll).limit(
        findOpts.find(_.isInstanceOf[Limit]).map(x => x.value).getOrElse(0)
        findOpts.find(_.isInstanceOf[Skip]).map(x => x.value).getOrElse(0)
      sort.foreach( s => cur.sort(s))
      // The call to toArray retrieves all documents and puts them in memory. => fromDBObject(dbo)).toList

   * Find all rows and retrieve only keys fields.
  def findAll(qry: JObject, keys: JObject, sort: Option[JObject], opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] = {
    val s =
    findAll(JObjectParser.parse(qry), JObjectParser.parse(keys), s, opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a DBObject query. These are for passing in regex queries.
  def findAll(qry: DBObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] =
    findAll(qry, None, opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a DBObject query with sort
  def findAll(qry: DBObject, sort: DBObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] =
    findAll(qry, Some(sort), opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a JObject query
  def findAll(qry: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] = {
    findAll(JObjectParser.parse(qry), None, opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a JObject query with sort
  def findAll(qry: JObject, sort: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] =
    findAll(JObjectParser.parse(qry), Some(JObjectParser.parse(sort)), opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a k, v query
  def findAll(k: String, o: Any, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] =
    findAll(new BasicDBObject(k, o), None, opts :_*)

  * Find all documents using a k, v query with JOBject sort
  def findAll(k: String, o: Any, sort: JObject, opts: FindOption*): List[BaseRecord] =
    findAll(new BasicDBObject(k, o), Some(JObjectParser.parse(sort)), opts :_*)

  * Find all documents with the given ids
  def findAll(ids: List[ObjectId]): List[BaseRecord] = if (ids.isEmpty) Nil else {
    val list = new java.util.ArrayList[ObjectId]()
    for (id <- ids.distinct) list.add(id)
    val query = QueryBuilder.start("_id").in(list).get()

  protected def saveOp(inst: BaseRecord)(f: => Unit): Boolean = {
    foreachCallback(inst, _.beforeSave)
    foreachCallback(inst, _.afterSave)

  * Save the instance in the appropriate backing store
  def save(inst: BaseRecord, concern: WriteConcern): Boolean = saveOp(inst) {
    useColl { coll =>, concern)

  * Save a document to the db using the given Mongo instance
  def save(inst: BaseRecord, db: DB, concern: WriteConcern): Boolean = saveOp(inst) {
    db.getCollection(collectionName).save(inst.asDBObject, concern)

   * Insert multiple records
  def insertAll(insts: List[BaseRecord]): Unit = {
    insts.foreach(inst => foreachCallback(inst, _.beforeSave))
    useColl( coll =>
    insts.foreach(inst => foreachCallback(inst, _.afterSave))

  * Update records with a JObject query using the given Mongo instance
  def update(qry: JObject, newbr: BaseRecord, db: DB, opts: UpdateOption*) {
    update(JObjectParser.parse(qry), newbr.asDBObject, db, opts :_*)

  * Update records with a JObject query
  def update(qry: JObject, newbr: BaseRecord, opts: UpdateOption*) {
    MongoDB.use(mongoIdentifier) ( db =>
      update(qry, newbr, db, opts :_*)

  * Upsert records with a DBObject query
  def upsert(query: DBObject, update: DBObject): Unit = {
    useColl( coll =>
      coll.update(query, update, true, false)

  * Update one record with a DBObject query
  def update(query: DBObject, update: DBObject): Unit = {
    useColl( coll =>
      coll.update(query, update)

  * Update multiple records with a DBObject query
  def updateMulti(query: DBObject, update: DBObject): Unit = {
    useColl( coll =>
      coll.updateMulti(query, update)

  * Update a record with a DBObject query
  def update(obj: BaseRecord, update: DBObject): Unit = {
    val query = (BasicDBObjectBuilder.start
                      .add("_id", idValue(obj))
    this.update(query, update)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MongoMetaRecord.scala source code file:

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