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Akka/Scala example source code file (Eventsourced.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Eventsourced.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

a, actor, akka, any, collection, eventsourced, japi, jiterable, persistence, persistentrepr, procedure, receive, state, string, unit

The Eventsourced.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.persistence

import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }

import{ AbstractActor, UntypedActor }
import akka.japi.{ Procedure, Util }
import akka.persistence.JournalProtocol._

import scala.collection.immutable

 * Event sourcing mixin for a [[Processor]].
private[persistence] trait Eventsourced extends ProcessorImpl {
  // TODO consolidate these traits as PersistentActor #15230

   * Processor recovery state. Waits for recovery completion and then changes to
   * `processingCommands`
  private val recovering: State = new State {
    // cache the recoveryBehavior since it's a def for binary compatibility in 2.3.x
    private val _recoveryBehavior: Receive = recoveryBehavior

    override def toString: String = "recovering"

    def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) {
      // Since we are recovering we can ignore the receive behavior from the stack
      Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(_recoveryBehavior, message)
      message match {
        case _: ReadHighestSequenceNrSuccess | _: ReadHighestSequenceNrFailure ⇒
          currentState = processingCommands
        case _ ⇒

   * Command processing state. If event persistence is pending after processing a
   * command, event persistence is triggered and state changes to `persistingEvents`.
   * There's no need to loop commands though the journal any more i.e. they can now be
   * directly offered as `LoopSuccess` to the state machine implemented by `Processor`.
  private val processingCommands: State = new State {
    override def toString: String = "processing commands"

    def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) = message match {
      case _: ConfirmablePersistent ⇒
        doAroundReceive(receive, message)
      case PersistentBatch(b) ⇒
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Persistent command batches not supported")
      case _: PersistentRepr ⇒
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Persistent commands not supported")
      case WriteMessageSuccess(p, id) ⇒
        // instanceId mismatch can happen for persistAsync and defer in case of actor restart
        // while message is in flight, in that case we ignore the call to the handler
        if (id == instanceId) {
          withCurrentPersistent(p)(p ⇒ pendingInvocations.peek().handler(p.payload))
      case LoopMessageSuccess(l, id) ⇒
        // instanceId mismatch can happen for persistAsync and defer in case of actor restart
        // while message is in flight, in that case we ignore the call to the handler
        if (id == instanceId) {
      case s @ WriteMessagesSuccessful ⇒ Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, s)
      case f: WriteMessagesFailed      ⇒ Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, f)
      case _ ⇒
        doAroundReceive(receive, message)

    private def doAroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any): Unit = {
      Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, LoopMessageSuccess(message, instanceId))

      if (pendingStashingPersistInvocations > 0) {
        currentState = persistingEvents

      if (resequenceableEventBatch.nonEmpty) flushBatch()
      else processorStash.unstash()

    private def onWriteComplete(): Unit = {

   * Event persisting state. Remains until pending events are persisted and then changes
   * state to `processingCommands`. Only events to be persisted are processed. All other
   * messages are stashed internally.
  private val persistingEvents: State = new State {
    override def toString: String = "persisting events"

    def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any): Unit = message match {
      case _: ConfirmablePersistent ⇒
      case PersistentBatch(b) ⇒
        b foreach {
          case p: PersistentRepr ⇒ deleteMessage(p.sequenceNr, permanent = true)
          case r                 ⇒ // ignore, nothing to delete (was not a persistent message)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Persistent command batches not supported")
      case p: PersistentRepr ⇒
        deleteMessage(p.sequenceNr, permanent = true)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Persistent commands not supported")

      case WriteMessageSuccess(p, id) ⇒
        // instanceId mismatch can happen for persistAsync and defer in case of actor restart
        // while message is in flight, in that case we ignore the call to the handler
        if (id == instanceId) {
          withCurrentPersistent(p)(p ⇒ pendingInvocations.peek().handler(p.payload))

      case e @ WriteMessageFailure(p, _, id) ⇒
        Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, message) // stops actor by default
        // instanceId mismatch can happen for persistAsync and defer in case of actor restart
        // while message is in flight, in that case the handler has already been discarded
        if (id == instanceId)
      case LoopMessageSuccess(l, id) ⇒
        if (id == instanceId) {
      case s @ WriteMessagesSuccessful ⇒ Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, s)
      case f: WriteMessagesFailed      ⇒ Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, f)
      case other                       ⇒ processorStash.stash()

    private def onWriteComplete(): Unit = {
      pendingInvocations.pop() match {
        case _: StashingHandlerInvocation ⇒
          // enables an early return to `processingCommands`, because if this counter hits `0`,
          // we know the remaining pendingInvocations are all `persistAsync` created, which
          // means we can go back to processing commands also - and these callbacks will be called as soon as possible
          pendingStashingPersistInvocations -= 1
        case _ ⇒ // do nothing

      if (pendingStashingPersistInvocations == 0) {
        currentState = processingCommands


   * This is a def and not a val because of binary compatibility in 2.3.x.
   * It is cached where it is used.
  private def recoveryBehavior: Receive = {
    case Persistent(payload, _) if recoveryRunning && receiveRecover.isDefinedAt(payload) ⇒
    case s: SnapshotOffer if receiveRecover.isDefinedAt(s) ⇒
    case f: RecoveryFailure if receiveRecover.isDefinedAt(f) ⇒
    case RecoveryCompleted if receiveRecover.isDefinedAt(RecoveryCompleted) ⇒

  private sealed trait PendingHandlerInvocation {
    def evt: Any
    def handler: Any ⇒ Unit
  /** forces processor to stash incoming commands untill all these invocations are handled */
  private final case class StashingHandlerInvocation(evt: Any, handler: Any ⇒ Unit) extends PendingHandlerInvocation
  /** does not force the processor to stash commands; Originates from either `persistAsync` or `defer` calls */
  private final case class AsyncHandlerInvocation(evt: Any, handler: Any ⇒ Unit) extends PendingHandlerInvocation

  /** Used instead of iterating `pendingInvocations` in order to check if safe to revert to processing commands */
  private var pendingStashingPersistInvocations: Long = 0
  /** Holds user-supplied callbacks for persist/persistAsync calls */
  private val pendingInvocations = new java.util.LinkedList[PendingHandlerInvocation]() // we only append / isEmpty / get(0) on it
  private var resequenceableEventBatch: List[Resequenceable] = Nil
  // When using only `persistAsync` and `defer` max throughput is increased by using the
  // batching implemented in `Processor`, but when using `persist` we want to use the atomic
  // PeristentBatch for the emitted events. This implementation can be improved when
  // Processor and Eventsourced are consolidated into one class 
  private var useProcessorBatching: Boolean = true

  private var currentState: State = recovering
  private val processorStash = createStash()

  private def flushBatch() {
    if (useProcessorBatching)
      resequenceableEventBatch.reverse foreach { Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, _) }
      Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(receive, PersistentBatch(resequenceableEventBatch.reverse))

    resequenceableEventBatch = Nil
    useProcessorBatching = true

   * Asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event. It is guaranteed that no new commands will be received by a persistent actor
   * between a call to `persist` and the execution of its `handler`. This also holds for
   * multiple `persist` calls per received command. Internally, this is achieved by stashing new
   * commands and unstashing them when the `event` has been persisted and handled. The stash used
   * for that is an internal stash which doesn't interfere with the inherited user stash.
   * An event `handler` may close over persistent actor state and modify it. The `sender` of a persisted
   * event is the sender of the corresponding command. This means that one can reply to a command
   * sender within an event `handler`.
   * Within an event handler, applications usually update persistent actor state using persisted event
   * data, notify listeners and reply to command senders.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[receiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persist[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
    pendingStashingPersistInvocations += 1
    pendingInvocations addLast StashingHandlerInvocation(event, handler.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Unit])
    resequenceableEventBatch = PersistentRepr(event) :: resequenceableEventBatch
    useProcessorBatching = false

   * Asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persist[A](event: A)(handler: A => Unit)` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persist[A](events: immutable.Seq[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit =

   * Asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event.
   * Unlike `persist` the persistent actor will continue to receive incomming commands between the
   * call to `persist` and executing it's `handler`. This asynchronous, non-stashing, version of
   * of persist should be used when you favor throughput over the "command-2 only processed after
   * command-1 effects' have been applied" guarantee, which is provided by the plain [[persist]] method.
   * An event `handler` may close over persistent actor state and modify it. The `sender` of a persisted
   * event is the sender of the corresponding command. This means that one can reply to a command
   * sender within an event `handler`.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[receiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
    pendingInvocations addLast AsyncHandlerInvocation(event, handler.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Unit])
    resequenceableEventBatch = PersistentRepr(event) :: resequenceableEventBatch

   * Asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A => Unit)` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persistAsync[A](events: immutable.Seq[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit =

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param event event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for the given `event`
  final def defer[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
    if (pendingInvocations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      pendingInvocations addLast AsyncHandlerInvocation(event, handler.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Unit])
      resequenceableEventBatch = NonPersistentRepr(event, sender()) :: resequenceableEventBatch

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param events event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for each `event`
  final def defer[A](events: immutable.Seq[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit =

   * Recovery handler that receives persisted events during recovery. If a state snapshot
   * has been captured and saved, this handler will receive a [[SnapshotOffer]] message
   * followed by events that are younger than the offered snapshot.
   * This handler must not have side-effects other than changing persistent actor state i.e. it
   * should not perform actions that may fail, such as interacting with external services,
   * for example.
   * If recovery fails, the actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[RecoveryFailure]].
   * @see [[Recover]]
  def receiveRecover: Receive

   * Command handler. Typically validates commands against current state (and/or by
   * communication with other actors). On successful validation, one or more events are
   * derived from a command and these events are then persisted by calling `persist`.
   * Commands sent to event sourced persistent actors should not be [[Persistent]] messages.
  def receiveCommand: Receive

  override def unstashAll() {
    // Internally, all messages are processed by unstashing them from
    // the internal stash one-by-one. Hence, an unstashAll() from the
    // user stash must be prepended to the internal stash.

  override protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) {
    currentState.aroundReceive(receive, message)

  override protected[akka] def aroundPreRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
    // flushJournalBatch will send outstanding persistAsync and defer events to the journal
    // and also prevent those to be unstashed in Processor.aroundPreRestart
    super.aroundPreRestart(reason, message)

   * Calls `super.preRestart` then unstashes all messages from the internal stash.
  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
    super.preRestart(reason, message)

   * Calls `super.postStop` then unstashes all messages from the internal stash.
  override def postStop() {

   * Only here for binary compatibility in 2.3.x.
  protected[persistence] val initialBehavior: Receive = recoveryBehavior orElse {
    case msg if receiveCommand.isDefinedAt(msg) ⇒

 * An event sourced processor.
@deprecated("EventsourcedProcessor will be removed in 2.4.x, instead extend the API equivalent `akka.persistence.PersistentProcessor`", since = "2.3.4")
trait EventsourcedProcessor extends Processor with Eventsourced {
  // TODO remove Processor #15230
  def receive = receiveCommand

 * An persistent Actor - can be used to implement command or event sourcing.
trait PersistentActor extends ProcessorImpl with Eventsourced {
  def receive = receiveCommand

 * Java API: an persistent actor - can be used to implement command or event sourcing.
abstract class UntypedPersistentActor extends UntypedActor with ProcessorImpl with Eventsourced {

  final def onReceive(message: Any) = onReceiveCommand(message)

  final def receiveRecover: Receive = {
    case msg ⇒ onReceiveRecover(msg)

  final def receiveCommand: Receive = {
    case msg ⇒ onReceiveCommand(msg)

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event. It is guaranteed that no new commands will be received by a persistent actor
   * between a call to `persist` and the execution of its `handler`. This also holds for
   * multiple `persist` calls per received command. Internally, this is achieved by stashing new
   * commands and unstashing them when the `event` has been persisted and handled. The stash used
   * for that is an internal stash which doesn't interfere with the inherited user stash.
   * An event `handler` may close over persistent actor state and modify it. The `getSender()` of a persisted
   * event is the sender of the corresponding command. This means that one can reply to a command
   * sender within an event `handler`.
   * Within an event handler, applications usually update persistent actor state using persisted event
   * data, notify listeners and reply to command senders.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[onReceiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted.
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persist[A](event: A, handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persist(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persist[A](event: A, handler: Procedure[A])` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted.
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persist[A](events: JIterable[A], handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persist(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * JAVA API: asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event.
   * Unlike `persist` the persistent actor will continue to receive incomming commands between the
   * call to `persist` and executing it's `handler`. This asynchronous, non-stashing, version of
   * of persist should be used when you favor throughput over the "command-2 only processed after
   * command-1 effects' have been applied" guarantee, which is provided by the plain [[persist]] method.
   * An event `handler` may close over persistent actor state and modify it. The `sender` of a persisted
   * event is the sender of the corresponding command. This means that one can reply to a command
   * sender within an event `handler`.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[receiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    super[Eventsourced].persistAsync(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * JAVA API: asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A => Unit)` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persistAsync[A](events: JIterable[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit =
    super[Eventsourced].persistAsync(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param event event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for the given `event`
  final def defer[A](event: A)(handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    super[Eventsourced].defer(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param events event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for each `event`
  final def defer[A](events: JIterable[A])(handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    super[Eventsourced].defer(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Java API: recovery handler that receives persisted events during recovery. If a state snapshot
   * has been captured and saved, this handler will receive a [[SnapshotOffer]] message
   * followed by events that are younger than the offered snapshot.
   * This handler must not have side-effects other than changing persistent actor state i.e. it
   * should not perform actions that may fail, such as interacting with external services,
   * for example.
   * If recovery fails, the actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[RecoveryFailure]].
   * @see [[Recover]]
  def onReceiveRecover(msg: Any): Unit

   * Java API: command handler. Typically validates commands against current state (and/or by
   * communication with other actors). On successful validation, one or more events are
   * derived from a command and these events are then persisted by calling `persist`.
   * Commands sent to event sourced persistent actors must not be [[Persistent]] or
   * [[PersistentBatch]] messages. In this case an `UnsupportedOperationException` is
   * thrown by the persistent actor.
  def onReceiveCommand(msg: Any): Unit

 * Java API: an persistent actor - can be used to implement command or event sourcing.
abstract class AbstractPersistentActor extends AbstractActor with PersistentActor with Eventsourced {

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event. It is guaranteed that no new commands will be received by a persistent actor
   * between a call to `persist` and the execution of its `handler`. This also holds for
   * multiple `persist` calls per received command. Internally, this is achieved by stashing new
   * commands and unstashing them when the `event` has been persisted and handled. The stash used
   * for that is an internal stash which doesn't interfere with the inherited user stash.
   * An event `handler` may close over persistent actor state and modify it. The `getSender()` of a persisted
   * event is the sender of the corresponding command. This means that one can reply to a command
   * sender within an event `handler`.
   * Within an event handler, applications usually update persistent actor state using persisted event
   * data, notify listeners and reply to command senders.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[receiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted.
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persist[A](event: A, handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persist(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persist[A](event: A, handler: Procedure[A])` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted.
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persist[A](events: JIterable[A], handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persist(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `event`. On successful persistence, `handler` is called with the
   * persisted event.
   * Unlike `persist` the persistent actor will continue to receive incomming commands between the
   * call to `persistAsync` and executing it's `handler`. This asynchronous, non-stashing, version of
   * of persist should be used when you favor throughput over the strict ordering guarantees that `persist` guarantees.
   * If persistence of an event fails, the persistent actor will be stopped. This can be customized by
   * handling [[PersistenceFailure]] in [[receiveCommand]].
   * @param event event to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `event`
  final def persistAsync[A](event: A, handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persistAsync(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param event event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for the given `event`
  final def defer[A](event: A)(handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    super.defer(event)(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Defer the handler execution until all pending handlers have been executed.
   * Allows to define logic within the actor, which will respect the invocation-order-guarantee
   * in respect to `persistAsync` calls. That is, if `persistAsync` was invoked before defer,
   * the corresponding handlers will be invoked in the same order as they were registered in.
   * This call will NOT result in `event` being persisted, please use `persist` or `persistAsync`,
   * if the given event should possible to replay.
   * If there are no pending persist handler calls, the handler will be called immediatly.
   * In the event of persistence failures (indicated by [[PersistenceFailure]] messages being sent to the
   * [[PersistentActor]], you can handle these messages, which in turn will enable the deferred handlers to run afterwards.
   * If persistence failure messages are left `unhandled`, the default behavior is to stop the Actor, thus the handlers
   * will not be run.
   * @param events event to be handled in the future, when preceeding persist operations have been processes
   * @param handler handler for each `event`
  final def defer[A](events: JIterable[A])(handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    super.defer(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

   * Java API: asynchronously persists `events` in specified order. This is equivalent to calling
   * `persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A => Unit)` multiple times with the same `handler`,
   * except that `events` are persisted atomically with this method.
   * @param events events to be persisted
   * @param handler handler for each persisted `events`
  final def persistAsync[A](events: JIterable[A], handler: Procedure[A]): Unit =
    persistAsync(Util.immutableSeq(events))(event ⇒ handler(event))

  override def receive = super[PersistentActor].receive


 * Java API: an event sourced processor.
@deprecated("UntypedEventsourcedProcessor will be removed in 2.4.x, instead extend the API equivalent `akka.persistence.PersistentProcessor`", since = "2.3.4")
abstract class UntypedEventsourcedProcessor extends UntypedPersistentActor {
  override def persistenceId: String = processorId

 * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions (to be used with [[]]):
 * command handler. Typically validates commands against current state (and/or by
 * communication with other actors). On successful validation, one or more events are
 * derived from a command and these events are then persisted by calling `persist`.
 * Commands sent to event sourced processors must not be [[Persistent]] or
 * [[PersistentBatch]] messages. In this case an `UnsupportedOperationException` is
 * thrown by the processor.
@deprecated("AbstractEventsourcedProcessor will be removed in 2.4.x, instead extend the API equivalent `akka.persistence.PersistentProcessor`", since = "2.3.4")
abstract class AbstractEventsourcedProcessor extends AbstractPersistentActor {
  override def persistenceId: String = processorId

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Eventsourced.scala source code file:

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