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Akka/Scala example source code file (EventBus.scala)

This example Akka source code file (EventBus.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorclassificationmappings, actorref, akka, boolean, classifier, collection, event, eventbus, illegalargumentexception, int, subscriber, unit, util

The EventBus.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.event

import{ ActorSystem, ActorRef }
import akka.util.Index
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
import java.util.Comparator
import akka.util.{ Subclassification, SubclassifiedIndex }
import scala.collection.immutable
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicReference, AtomicInteger }

 * Represents the base type for EventBuses
 * Internally has an Event type, a Classifier type and a Subscriber type
 * For the Java API, see akka.event.japi.*
trait EventBus {
  type Event
  type Classifier
  type Subscriber

   * Attempts to register the subscriber to the specified Classifier
   * @return true if successful and false if not (because it was already
   *   subscribed to that Classifier, or otherwise)
  def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean

   * Attempts to deregister the subscriber from the specified Classifier
   * @return true if successful and false if not (because it wasn't subscribed
   *   to that Classifier, or otherwise)
  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean

   * Attempts to deregister the subscriber from all Classifiers it may be subscribed to
  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit

   * Publishes the specified Event to this bus
  def publish(event: Event): Unit

 * Represents an EventBus where the Subscriber type is ActorRef
trait ActorEventBus extends EventBus {
  type Subscriber = ActorRef
  protected def compareSubscribers(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef) = a compareTo b

 * Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is ActorRef
trait ActorClassifier { this: EventBus ⇒
  type Classifier = ActorRef

 * Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is a Function from Event to Boolean (predicate)
trait PredicateClassifier { this: EventBus ⇒
  type Classifier = Event ⇒ Boolean

 * Maps Subscribers to Classifiers using equality on Classifier to store a Set of Subscribers (hence the need for compareSubscribers)
 * Maps Events to Classifiers through the classify-method (so it knows who to publish to)
 * The compareSubscribers need to provide a total ordering of the Subscribers
trait LookupClassification { this: EventBus ⇒

  protected final val subscribers = new Index[Classifier, Subscriber](mapSize(), new Comparator[Subscriber] {
    def compare(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int = compareSubscribers(a, b)

   * This is a size hint for the number of Classifiers you expect to have (use powers of 2)
  protected def mapSize(): Int

   * Provides a total ordering of Subscribers (think
  protected def compareSubscribers(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int

   * Returns the Classifier associated with the given Event
  protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier

   * Publishes the given Event to the given Subscriber
  protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit

  def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.put(to, subscriber)

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.remove(from, subscriber)

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = subscribers.removeValue(subscriber)

  def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
    val i = subscribers.valueIterator(classify(event))
    while (i.hasNext) publish(event,

 * Classification which respects relationships between channels: subscribing
 * to one channel automatically and idempotently subscribes to all sub-channels.
trait SubchannelClassification { this: EventBus ⇒

   * The logic to form sub-class hierarchy
  protected implicit def subclassification: Subclassification[Classifier]

  // must be lazy to avoid initialization order problem with subclassification
  private lazy val subscriptions = new SubclassifiedIndex[Classifier, Subscriber]()

  private var cache = Map.empty[Classifier, Set[Subscriber]]

   * Returns the Classifier associated with the given Event
  protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier

   * Publishes the given Event to the given Subscriber
  protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit

  def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscriptions.synchronized {
    val diff = subscriptions.addValue(to, subscriber)

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscriptions.synchronized {
    val diff = subscriptions.removeValue(from, subscriber)
    // removeValue(K, V) does not return the diff to remove from or add to the cache
    // but instead the whole set of keys and values that should be updated in the cache
    cache ++= diff

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = subscriptions.synchronized {

  def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
    val c = classify(event)
    val recv =
      if (cache contains c) cache(c) // c will never be removed from cache
      else subscriptions.synchronized {
        if (cache contains c) cache(c)
        else {
    recv foreach (publish(event, _))

   * Expensive call! Avoid calling directly from event bus subscribe / unsubscribe.
  private[akka] def hasSubscriptions(subscriber: Subscriber): Boolean =
    cache.values exists { _ contains subscriber }

  private def removeFromCache(changes: immutable.Seq[(Classifier, Set[Subscriber])]): Unit =
    cache = (cache /: changes) {
      case (m, (c, cs)) ⇒ m.updated(c, m.getOrElse(c, Set.empty[Subscriber]) -- cs)

  private def addToCache(changes: immutable.Seq[(Classifier, Set[Subscriber])]): Unit =
    cache = (cache /: changes) {
      case (m, (c, cs)) ⇒ m.updated(c, m.getOrElse(c, Set.empty[Subscriber]) ++ cs)


 * Maps Classifiers to Subscribers and selects which Subscriber should receive which publication through scanning through all Subscribers
 * through the matches(classifier, event) method
 * Note: the compareClassifiers and compareSubscribers must together form an absolute ordering (think
trait ScanningClassification { self: EventBus ⇒
  protected final val subscribers = new ConcurrentSkipListSet[(Classifier, Subscriber)](new Comparator[(Classifier, Subscriber)] {
    def compare(a: (Classifier, Subscriber), b: (Classifier, Subscriber)): Int = compareClassifiers(a._1, b._1) match {
      case 0     ⇒ compareSubscribers(a._2, b._2)
      case other ⇒ other

   * Provides a total ordering of Classifiers (think
  protected def compareClassifiers(a: Classifier, b: Classifier): Int

   * Provides a total ordering of Subscribers (think
  protected def compareSubscribers(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int

   * Returns whether the specified Classifier matches the specified Event
  protected def matches(classifier: Classifier, event: Event): Boolean

   * Publishes the specified Event to the specified Subscriber
  protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit

  def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.add((to, subscriber))

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean = subscribers.remove((from, subscriber))

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit = {
    val i = subscribers.iterator()
    while (i.hasNext) {
      val e =
      if (compareSubscribers(subscriber, e._2) == 0) i.remove()

  def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
    val currentSubscribers = subscribers.iterator()
    while (currentSubscribers.hasNext) {
      val (classifier, subscriber) =
      if (matches(classifier, event))
        publish(event, subscriber)

 * Maps ActorRefs to ActorRefs to form an EventBus where ActorRefs can listen to other ActorRefs.
 * All subscribers will be watched by an [[akka.event.ActorClassificationUnsubscriber]] and unsubscribed when they terminate.
 * The unsubscriber actor will not be stopped automatically, and if you want to stop using the bus you should stop it yourself.
trait ActorClassification { this: ActorEventBus with ActorClassifier ⇒
  import scala.annotation.tailrec

  protected def system: ActorSystem

  private class ActorClassificationMappings(val seqNr: Int, val backing: Map[ActorRef, immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]) {

    def get(monitored: ActorRef): immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef] = backing.getOrElse(monitored, empty)

    def add(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef) = {
      val watchers = backing.get(monitored).getOrElse(empty) + monitor
      new ActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, backing.updated(monitored, watchers))

    def remove(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef) = {
      val monitors = backing.get(monitored).getOrElse(empty) - monitor
      new ActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, backing.updated(monitored, monitors))

    def remove(monitored: ActorRef) = {
      val v = backing - monitored
      new ActorClassificationMappings(seqNr + 1, v)

  private val mappings = new AtomicReference[ActorClassificationMappings](
    new ActorClassificationMappings(0, Map.empty[ActorRef, immutable.TreeSet[ActorRef]]))

  private val empty = immutable.TreeSet.empty[ActorRef]

  /** The unsubscriber takes care of unsubscribing actors, which have terminated. */
  protected lazy val unsubscriber = ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.start(system, this)

  protected final def associate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
    val current = mappings.get

    current.backing.get(monitored) match {
      case None ⇒
        val added = current.add(monitored, monitor)

        if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, added)) registerWithUnsubscriber(monitor, added.seqNr)
        else associate(monitored, monitor)

      case Some(monitors) ⇒
        if (monitors.contains(monitored)) false
        else {
          val added = current.add(monitored, monitor)
          val noChange = current.backing == added.backing

          if (noChange) false
          else if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, added)) registerWithUnsubscriber(monitor, added.seqNr)
          else associate(monitored, monitor)

  protected final def dissociate(actor: ActorRef): Unit = {
    def dissociateAsMonitored(monitored: ActorRef): Unit = {
      val current = mappings.get
      if (current.backing.contains(monitored)) {
        val removed = current.remove(monitored)
        if (!mappings.compareAndSet(current, removed))

    def dissociateAsMonitor(monitor: ActorRef): Unit = {
      val current = mappings.get
      val i = current.backing.iterator
      while (i.hasNext) {
        val (key, value) =
        value match {
          case null ⇒
          // do nothing

          case monitors ⇒
            if (monitors.contains(monitor))
              dissociate(key, monitor)

    try { dissociateAsMonitored(actor) } finally { dissociateAsMonitor(actor) }

  protected final def dissociate(monitored: ActorRef, monitor: ActorRef): Boolean = {
    val current = mappings.get

    current.backing.get(monitored) match {
      case None ⇒ false
      case Some(monitors) ⇒
        val removed = current.remove(monitored, monitor)
        val removedMonitors = removed.get(monitored)

        if (monitors.isEmpty || monitors == removedMonitors) {
        } else {
          if (mappings.compareAndSet(current, removed)) unregisterFromUnsubscriber(monitor, removed.seqNr)
          else dissociate(monitored, monitor)

   * Returns the Classifier associated with the specified Event
  protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier

   * This is a size hint for the number of Classifiers you expect to have (use powers of 2)
  protected def mapSize: Int

  def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
    mappings.get.backing.get(classify(event)) match {
      case None       ⇒ ()
      case Some(refs) ⇒ refs.foreach { _ ! event }

  def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean =
    if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
    else if (to eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
    else associate(to, subscriber)

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean =
    if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
    else if (from eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classifier is null")
    else dissociate(from, subscriber)

  def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit =
    if (subscriber eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscriber is null")
    else dissociate(subscriber)

  private[akka] def registerWithUnsubscriber(subscriber: ActorRef, seqNr: Int): Boolean = {
    unsubscriber ! ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Register(subscriber, seqNr)

  private[akka] def unregisterFromUnsubscriber(subscriber: ActorRef, seqNr: Int): Boolean = {
    unsubscriber ! ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Unregister(subscriber, seqNr)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka EventBus.scala source code file:

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