field report: updating 3 year old scala and zio programs

From the article: “The applications were easy to upgrade. I did not need to change much in the scala code, mainly where I had used macros in 2.x to simplify some syntax and reduce boilerplate. But I could have left much of the code alone. However, I was fortunate to have a few minutes, so I updated things to package-less and significant indentation (via manual and auto rewrites). While there are different opinions on brace versus less-brace, I like fewer braces because there can be many braces otherwise, and more braces make the code harder to read--3-4 layers of closing braces are difficult to read even with code folding in "C" like languages, and I like to see large sections of code at once when reading. I also took the opportunity to update "implicits" to "givens" and use some of the newer scala3 features, such as strict equality, which led me to find a few bugs I was not testing for or had hit yet. The code was clean, smaller, simpler, and more straightforward, at least to me. ”